My todo list for LibreOffice 6.4


LibreOffice 6.3 isn’t release but I have already plans for the 6.4 winter release. I have two (three) main topics:

  • Tabbed, Tabbed compact, Groupedbar, Groupedbar compact, Contextual Single toolbar layout style should be done for writer, calc, draw and impress
  • all layouts should be available for the other apps like chart, master, form, …
  • LibO 6.4 will get customization support for NB so here stuff has to be done (thanks to GSOC student Sumit Chauhan)
Unified Styles, Design and Brand
  • I plan to update all style related stuff like
    • bullet styles
    • table styles
    • shape styles
    • everything that result into an image/drawing
  • I also plan to make unified stuff like
    • templates for all apps
    • gallery presets with an unified brand
    • smartart templates and predefinitions
Icon stuff
  • as Colibre, Sifr, Breeze are in a good shape and thanks to Rizal Muttaqin I don’t plan a new icon theme or big changes here
  • 32px icon size draw and review
  • For sure maintenance work will be done
  • as all icon themes are available in svg also for fix HiDPI bugs the icons are prepared
What can you do
  • for the brand, unified style and design stuff I could need help
  • join the design group
  • help with better styles support (code)
  • give me your knowledge
    • send me links to examples
    • send me links to other apps that did the job well
    • submit feedback

I contribute 100 % in my spare time, so if you like my work, become a downloads_wordmark_white_on_coral2x.jpg

18 thoughts on “My todo list for LibreOffice 6.4

  1. Hello, I found LibreOffice doesn’t support vertial left-to-right direction in Calc, Draw and Impress, do you have any plans for this?


  2. Many thanks for the hard word, you really have a great vision! Are you able to speak at all the customisations that will be coming to the NB?

    In addition is there any plans to have inverted colours at all for display on dark backgrounds, like when using the persona feature? A little how Microsoft does with their top menu bar is Office 2016 and 365. If libre office ever moves to a dark mode inverted or white icons would be rather useful.


    1. breeze and sifr has icons for dark themes where the dark color was replaced by an light one. Firefox personas feature will be axed with 6.3 cause mozilla change there a lot and LibO can’t update external stuff. The inbuild personas support is running and the 6 personas themes were done that way that only black need light color icons, all other themes work well with the standard icon themes.


      1. Thanks for clarification, is there any news on the ability of each application in the suite to use a different internal persona to differentiate? A little like with Microsoft Office, blue for word, green for Excel… Writer and Calc etc. Is there any plans for Colibre to get white/light variant icons at all?

        I look forward to the additions in 6.4, especially the coming NB customisations. Perhaps a blog post in the future would be possible?


  3. Can there be unified icon theme for the extensions, so they fit in, so (Im thininng Zotero extension in particular) it fits in with the rest of the style. Also how do the extensions like Zotero fit into the various layouts?


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