Fontwork challenge


I plan to update all kind of visiual aspects in LibreOffice (6.4), if you are interested in feedback, help, support, you are welcome.

Download the Fontwork.odp file where all 40 existing fontwork’s are shown. Play around with them and submit the updated file. Nothing is easier to contribute back and have fun with LibreOffice.


5 thoughts on “Fontwork challenge

  1. Hi Andreas,

    What are you actually asking us to do with this ODP document? What do you mean by play around in this context? I’m happy to try and help if i can do.

    Kind regards


    1. If you search after Adobe text effects you can make really cool stuff with text. I know LibO is no painting app, but you can da a lot of stuff with area and line fill styles and shadows. also 3d effects are possible.

      The main issue is not that the existing Fontwork implementations are bad it’s more that they look outdated and when you play around with are fill, line style and shadows, … you will see that LibO can do cool stuff and I’d like to show our users this cool stuff.


  2. As an example, if two coordinating symbols look
    on-one line after which a symbol appears alongside them,
    this could count as several coordinating designs and might supply a payout for the person.


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